
The development of software is known to be a complex task. Despite the progress made by the introduction of new methods and techniques, unfinished projects, project overruns, and system failures are still the rule. The limited success technology-driven measures have led to a stronger focus on organizational and process-oriented aspects of software development.

SEG has identified that for continuous improvement and business excellence a need for “Quality Management System” (QMS) as a key value-adding element foren measures have led to a stronger focus on organizational and process-oriented aspects of software development.

SEG has identified that for continuous improvement and business excellence a need for “Quality Management System” (QMS) as a key value-adding element for growth and development. We envisage that with this new system we formulated we can offer better commitment and service to our clients and the key factors we effectively have addressed in the process are:

Visualizing the customer’s needs, transforming them into work specifications and implementing our proven methodology for the execution is the vital flow structure in all our solution development.

  • + Customer Focus
  • + Management Commitment
  • + Continual Improvement

SEG considers quality management as a “customer driven” process and throws larger emphasis in identifying the customer and thhrows larger emphasis in identifying the customer and their expectations of the organization’s products. SEG philosophy for success is by process of continuous improvement by setting standards and procedures to minimize defects and build quality software, which is bug-free, delivered on time and within budget, meets requirements and/or expectations, and is maintainable.

Although testing is one of the phases in any project plan, we have coined this element into a series of incremental iterations in our “Quality Management System”.